Thursday, August 9, 2007

Weekly iTunes "Single of the Week" Review

Welcome, readers! It's time for the iTunes Single of the Week Review.

This week's "Single of the Week:" Daisy by Halfway to Hazard.

[iTunes writers' words follow . . .]
Halfway to Hazard are a duo from southeast Kentucky - Chad Warrix and David Tolliver. This track is a mixture of sweet, harmonized country pop and a big ol' southern rock ballad. The tale within the tune is worth noting - it goes from young love to tragedy and redemption. It also might be the first song to use the phrase "and the day her water broke" in music history.
My review:

Admittedly I know next to nothing about country music, so all I can offer is a general impression of this song. And that impression is ... this song sounds exactly like any other country song I've ever heard. Halfway to Hazard exploits the same old recycled melody, the same old slide guitar harmony, and even that ultra-annoying tendency to vocalize the first note in each measure by ranging in a split second from an octave below to the correct pitch. While this song is not vomit-inducing, I struggled (really, really struggled) to listen to the entire track.

Rating from one to five stars: *

iTunes Library Result:

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