Thursday, August 9, 2007

'Ello, Gov'nah!

As the old adage goes, "everything is for sale." I believe this also applies to one's job. Why not listen to an unsolicited offer? Who knows? One might just pop up which pays better and is equally or more personally satisfying.

I got a kick out of an offer I received today, quite out of the blue. It was to launch the exact same business I run now, but in England. The money was nearly identical, and I would have somewhat greater freedom to implement programs a bit better than I have put into motion here in the United States, but it's not worth uprooting my family to Nottingham.

Just the same, it's nice to get an offer.

The only time I've ever seriously considered moving to Europe was way back in 1991. I had an offer to work in Ireland for Digital Equipment Corporation. Since my father (and countless hundreds of other people in the towns around Maynard) had all worked for DEC and loved it, the offer was tempting. The deal breaker was when I spoke with the Irish consulate and received real estate listings in my price range. Grass and thatch roof? Built in 1510? Two bedrooms? No thanks.

Níl aon tintéan mar do thintéan féin. There's no place like home.

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