Tuesday, July 3, 2007

First Weekly iTunes "Single of the Week" Review

I'm a huge fan of music, spanning all genres (except for country, which is for inbred idiots). As such, my opinion is more important than anybody else's.

From now on I will review the iTunes Single of the Week in a hundred words or less. Usually much less. And I'll give it a rank from one to five CDs (until such time when the next new physical music delivery system becomes popular) represented by asterisks *****. Another little rule before we get going. I'll add a link to the band if they've bothered to create a Wikipedia entry, otherwise they can go pound sand. Oh, okay, if I think they're really good I might find them on Google for you. Otherwise, you're on your own.

Without further ado, I give you the first of a new weekly installment on Don's Blog, the iTunes "Single of the Week Review."

This week's "Single of the Week:"
[iTunes writers' words follow . . .]
"Autumn Cannibalist" is the new single from Toronto-based melodic punk-metal outfit Die Mannequin. They're a great live band currently touring with Deftones, and have quite a few fans around our office. That's why we picked them for our latest free Single of the Week.

* 1/2

Don't you hate reviewers which use "half" rating systems? What, you couldn't f*ing decide between integers?

The combination of discordant opening riffs and a female lead singer can only lead to one of two destinations ... awesomeness or Suckville. Die Mannequin, taking into account the worst band name since Itchy Nipple, is on the road to Suckville.

Kudos to a decent drummer. Aside from that, they suck. It's like The Donnas, but with poorer insturmentalists and vocals.

iTunes Library Result:

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