Wednesday, July 11, 2007

The PC Dam Is Breaking

If you want to start an online flame war, just declare that Windows-based PCs are better than Linux-based Macintosh computers. It doesn't matter which you choose. It will have the same effect.

Personally, I've been a hard core Macintosh fan since 1986 when I used a Mac Plus. It had a half meg of memory and utilized a 30-meg external hard drive (which, incidentally, I thought would never be possible to fill).

With the advent of the iPod and now the iPhone, I believe (seriously) that the dam might indeed beginning to break. More and more of the hypnotized DOS-heads are experiencing the Mac OS. And they like what they see. A lot. That goes for both business and personal use.

Save me the tired and old "but not for games, dood" argument. Buy a goddamn X-Box if you want to play games. Then tell your mom to make you a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

By all accounts, Vista is an enormous lump of bloatware that's five to seven years behind OS X. Friends and colleagues stuck with PCs and Vista regularly bitch and whine about their machines.

I'm happily zinging through the computer world ... speedily, compatibly, and creatively.

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