Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Cool Fundraiser for a Good Cause

Today kicks off the 16th annual "Walk & Rock for Change," a multi-day fundraiser by 107.3 FM WAAF. Proceeds are donated to Boston area food banks. Millions and millions of dollars have been donated over the years.

During the Walk & Rock for Change, two members of the station's morning show walk from a distant point toward Boston. Along the way they collect donations -- ranging from kids emptying their piggy banks of nickels and pennies, to large offices which combine employee donations and hand over thousands of dollars.

Meanwhile, back at the studio, the DJs take calls from listeners and challenge them to request a song in exchange for a donation. You can have any song played on the airwaves ... but the farther away from the hard-edge rock and roll format the song request is, the more you have to give. It's a riot when a wealthy person calls and donates an impressive amount of money, then has WAAF play something such as the song on the radio right now, a country song called "Lucky Man" by Montgomery Gentry.

Good lord. Somebody just pledged $1,000 to hear any Barbara Streisand tune. Ha! That's great! The DJs are rolling on the floor with laughter.

It's fun and inspiring to hear the governors of Massachusetts and New Hampshire, local and national sports celebrities, actors, comedians, and various other famous people calling into the station and making hilarious song requests. As an example, NBC sports commentator and former NY Giants running back Tiki Barber gave $1,000 this morning if WAAF agreed to play Digital Underground's "Humpty Hump."

Call 866-517-WAAF to make a request and a donation. More people than ever are depending on everybody to help.

** Update **
I'm going to list some of the funnier tunes I hear over the next few days.
The "Menomena" Song by the Muppets. $300!
Ghostbusters by Ray Parker Jr. $200!
It's Raining Men by The Weather Girls. LMAO! $250! A bargain indeed.

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