Sunday, May 31, 2009

Dropkick Murphys

I'm listening to music really loudly now, and I want to share this with you. In case you don't already know, the Dropkick Murphys are awesome. Readers of my blog alreay know this. They're awesome, and I'm a fan from way back when. The DKMs are wicked pissah awesome. Dillo knows how awesome they are. [Where the hell have you been, Diilo? Really. Are you dead or in prison?]

The picture is of me and Ken Casey. What a nice guy. Really. A "regular" guy and a great host.

I'd like to throw big huge thanks to WAAF, Ken's pub McGreevy's, Susie, Lindsey and her drunken friend, and whomever were those guys that helped me down Boylston Street in Boston to the show on Saint Patrick's Day. I had waaaay too many Jamesons', and far too many Guinnesses'. You must be those entries in my cell phone that I just don't recognize.

What's important here is that were all at Irish, we love our drinks, we're all immediate friends, we love our Sox and Bruins, we love great music, but most importantly we love good company.

I had a great Saint Patrick's day, laddies an' lassies.

1 comment:

Annie said...

Alls I really wanna know is do they serve Guinness on tap ... I would assume so and would they serve it to a half-Scottish chick like me?

Last question: who's the cute guy in the middle?