Monday, May 26, 2008

So Many Miles, So Few Days

For the last few days I've done pretty much nothing else other than riding Val. Goodness gracious, it's wonderful to ride. Do you have a motorcycle? If not, get one. Seriously. You'll thank me. I guarantee it.

After putting another few hundred miles on Val yesterday I stopped by my cousin Rick's house. He's a mechanic and a veteran ... although those two facts have nothing to do with one another, but they both made me think of him as I was kinda near his house on Memorial Day.

Rick pierced Val's baffles. Yep. She's no longer a virgin. It turned out better than expected. Her mid-range powerband sounds deeper, more throaty, and without any appreciable increase in decibels.

Here's how she sounds now (click on the "play" button at the bottom of the movie, not in the center of the image):

Maybe I'll pick up a Glasspack and ask Paul to weld it in. But that's a big scary step. Once I do it, there's no going back. I don't think I'd need to re-jet the carburetors (there are six of them), but I'd be screwed if I do. I know nearly nothing about mechanical things.

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