Friday, May 9, 2008

Draw Yourself As a Teenager

Some dude named Dave came up with a neat idea. Based on the hundreds of submissions to his page (and this post), many folks are accepting the challenge of drawing themselves as a teenager.

If you choose to play along, make sure you post a comment and let me know!

(Click on my poorly-drawn image for the large version)


Annie said...

I'll say it again:
Why Don, you're the spitting image of the Unibomber.

Yes, I'm on the phone with the FBI right now to inform them they have the wrong man in custody.

It's amazing the things you discover every day in blog world. HA!

Mmm. I tried a drawing, but it's very very sad looking and amateur.

savante said...

Do a comparison with your picture now! :)

Annie said...

LOL! Savante should talk, I've known him for 4 years and I don't have a clue what he looks like! He should take on this meme and draw himself on his blog.
Yes, that would be good Savante.

Don said...

Savante -- well, my picture is right over there, beneath the "About Me" section. There are more pictures of me (and assorted family and friends) throughout this blog too. For a lot of pictures in one place, copy and paste this link:

For bonus hilarity, click the "goatee experiment" hyperlink in that post. Yikes.

Don said...

Oh, and Annie, Savante's picture is right up above yours in this comment field. It actually appears like you're looking up at him, a la "The Brady Bunch."

Annie said...

Sorry to throw rocks at your rainbow, but that's NOT Savante on his avatar. LOL! That is the actor, Matthew Fox, from the TV series LOST. Savante/Paul has a crush on Matthew. I keep telling Paul that Matthew Fox is NOT A REAL DOCTOR. He just plays one on TV; but does he listen? No.