Saturday, July 18, 2009

My Big Tough Dog

A moment ago I glanced out the front door. No shit, I swear ... two rabbits, six turkeys, and a groundhog were all having a party on the lawn. Where was my local fox? Did he not get the invitation?

While the below video was taken a couple of days ago, it illustrates my dog's "toughness." Sarcasm intended and with emphasis. Based solely on Lindsay's tail wagging, I think she merely wanted to be friends with Mr. Groundhog.

This happens almost every day. I especially get a kick out of watching Lindsay trying to catch up to a deer that's nesting in the tall weeds next to my house. Sure, Lindsay is half greyhound, but she gets left in the dust with the lateral jig-jags that the deer do to her though the forest.

For matter of record, Lindsay does not like the local coyotes. She runs inside, tail between her legs, and whimpers whenever she hears the yip-yip-yipping of the pack.

1 comment:

Cathy Lanno said...

She needs to come to my house to get Chuck, who lives underneath it. I can hear him giggling now!