Monday, June 1, 2009

BlackBerry Versus iPhone

If you're a reader of this blog, then you already know I'm a Macfanatic. I'm biased (but smarter than you if you don't agree).

Pardon me while I applaud about the article in InfoWeek, an admittedly pro-PC publication, which says that it's time to bury the BlackBerry and get an iPhone.
Yes, it was Mac versus PC all over again: The iPhone was quickly pigeonholed as a fun, polished device for the cool kids to play with versus the RIM BlackBerry's rep as a corporate standard designed to get work done. As with the Mac-versus-PC dichotomy, Apple's focus on visual interface, exotic technologies like touch, and fun stuff (music, video, and games), coupled with its lack of "serious" capabilities such as encryption, let that perception take root as the conventional wisdom....

[But] how do they stack up? Frankly, I’ve concluded it’s time to bury the BlackBerry. A revolution in its time, thanks to its ability to provide instant, secure e-mail anywhere, the BlackBerry has become the Lotus Notes of the mobile world: It’s way past its prime.

1 comment:

Rydeth9 said...

Whoo Hoo !! I'm finally going to upgrade and get me a new iphone when they come out with the newest version June 17th !! Of course you know I will have techno questions for you... :o)