Monday, June 2, 2008

Meet Val's Sister Megan!

I know, I know . . . I've been posting an awful lot about my motorcycle Val lately. Well, *shrug* too bad. I'm so excited that I could spit. I've never fully understood that saying. Why would one feel the urge to spit when excited? I digress.

On the way to my sister's house this afternoon to pick up some paperwork, I happened to glance into a parking lot as I drove by at 45 MPH. What I saw made me fully turn my head (a big "no no" on a motorcycle), then slam on both the front and rear brakes.

I saw, for the first time ever in real life, another Valkyrie.

Me being who I am (just a bit north of outgoing), I marched into each store in the strip mall until I saw somebody carrying a helmet.

Paul is my new buddy. He had a hard time finding a Valkyrie, just as I did, but eventually landed Megan (his Valkyrie's name ... much more original than "Val"). She was an insurance write-off, and had been declared legally dead after being laid down at about 60 MPH. Her tank didn't match her VIN (plus it's obviously a 2001 tank on a 2002 Valkyrie), her light bar still shows some road rash, and the radiator hose isn't stock.

But Megan is beeeeeeeeeautiful. Paul put on a chrome radiator grill cover, chrome oil dipstick, nice highway pegs, and a few other nifty add-ons. The biggest difference between Val and Megan is that Megan doesn't have a windshield. She's looks abso-frickin'-lutely gorgeous.

However, just like women, you can't judge a book by it's cover. Although Megan looks like a fox, I would never take off Val's windshield. Do you know how much it hurts to get hit in the forehead by a piece of gravel or a junebug at 80 MPH? Not pleasant. Plus, Megan has the California Emissions package, meaning a carbon scrubber which takes away about 5 - 8 horsepower. But c'mon, big whoop. Megan could still gallop with Val at 140 MPH if they wanted to do so.

*sigh* There are so many things I want to buy for Val to make her prettier.


Anonymous said...

What could VAL possibly need? Do Tell....

Don said...

Chrome: Radiator grill cover, oil dipstick, coolant tube, and one of those wicked pisser "blank chrome covers" for that weird empty spot between the headers and the frame.

Cool stuff: Grips, lazy cruise, highway pegs (preferably Mick-O-Pegs), "Vargas girl" tank paint job, and an "A frame" windshield.

Gearhead stuff: Glasspack exhaust, 2x2x3 baffle piercing, synthetic oil changeover with valves & seals pressure test, center stand retro-fit, dyno output and re-jetting to 130 HP.


Needed stuff: Rubber. Especially the front. I'll wait to next year, and try not to drive in the rain until then.

Don said...

Oh, and I want to replace the fixed-position passenger backrest with one like I used to have on the Goldwing ... you could slide it forward to be the driver's backrest if you didn't have a passenger on the bike.