Wednesday, April 23, 2008

This Is Getting Spooky, Even for Me

I'm one of those people who regularly support anti-crime initiatives. If it's going to keep me and my family safe from the bad guys, it's usually okay by me, even if it toes the proverbial Constitutional line. This seems to be going a bit far.

Ironically, moments ago I had a conversation with my friend Jayne which touched briefly upon her husband's Libertarian-leaning political views.

The crux of the issue is that the "FBI on Wednesday called for new legislation that would allow federal police to monitor the Internet for 'illegal activity.'"

No problem so far. If the FBI is trolling for terrorists or insurgent communication which may be based in America, I'm down with that. But the article raised some disturbing possibilities.

"'s unclear whether 'illegal activity' would be limited to responding to denial-of-service attacks and botnets, or would also include detecting other illegal activities, such as online gambling, the distribution of 'obscene' images of adults engaged in sexual acts, or selling drugs without a license."
Yikes. Should I be afraid to view hot pictures of the latest celebrity caught in an uncompromising position (*cough*), or if I want to go play at my favorite poker site?

While I believe the ACLU to be, for the most part, a bunch of hippie tree hugging yodels, I hope they send their minions into battle over this issue.


Annie said...

I'm thinking you should only be afraid if you're playing poker with the latest celebrities while you're BOTH in uncompromising positions. That could be embarrassing.

Don said...

Hmmmm ... online strip poker ...


Great business idea.

Annie said...

Glad I could help. BTW, I've applied for an international patent on that online strip poker idea. Just so you know. I beat you to it.