Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Unconventional Holiday Songs

I just forwarded this to a friend of mine that happens to be Jewish, and I was shocked to learn that she had not previously heard of it (although she likes Sarah Silverman).

There's something slightly uncomfortable about sharing a song or joke that's blatantly politically incorrect. Meh. I'm an alcoholic Irish boy that understands full well what's it's like to be raised in a Catholic drunken family. I laugh harder than anybody else at the jokes about my background.

If you're offended, I am sorry. To clarify, I'm not sorry because you're offended, but because you can't laugh at yourself.

1 comment:

Susan Senator said...

Don -
It's genius. She gets the Christmas-envy thing and all the rest of it 100% right!! You can't really get offended by her, she disses everyone, all with that sweet little smile.
--Your Jewish Friend