I don't know if I've previously posted about the "sounds like a band" game, but here's the short version. Whenever I or one of my boys says something which, taken out context, sounds both absurd and cool we yell "band name!"
A classic example -- one day during our commute I was absentmindedly scratching my chest while driving. My son asked "what's the matter ... do you have an itchy nipple?"
Band name!
"Tonight, for one show only,
Itchy Nipple is opening for Pose'in, the ultimate Poison Tribute Band!"
I stumbled across a link to
this website, which takes it in a slightly different direction. Here is how to play the game called "Albums That Don't Exist." Yet. Apparently credit goes to something called "rllmuk forum" for creating the concept.
1 - Go to Wikipedia's random article
page. The first article you get is the name of your band.
2 - Go to the Random Quotations
page. The last four words of the last quote is the album title.
3 - Go to Flickr's Interesting photo
page. Third picture, no matter what it is, is your album cover.
4 — Put it all together to make your album. Either crop it to CD cover size, or just use the raw image itself ... the only rule is you're only allowed to add the album title and artist title.
Here's the album I created of a band that doesn't exist. Too bad I didn't randomly receive "itchy nipple" when I clicked on the Wiki article page.