I recently used the word "aquifer" in a conversation. The person with whom I was speaking stopped me mid-sentence and accused me of making up a word. I was honestly puzzled, so much so that I had absolutely no idea about which word I was being accused of creating.
Be honest, please. Consider this a scientific study. Do you know what aquifer means, and if not then do you think I'm an asshole for using it in polite discourse?
aquifer |ˈäkwəfər; ˈak-|
a body of permeable rock that can contain or transmit groundwater.
Nope, didn't know what it meant until just now. Sounds like you were having an exciting conversation....ZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzz
Tips, I call BS that you've never before heard that word because you're wicked smaht. Oh, and GFY for the snoring! It wasn't like I was describing in detail the ongoing controversy between Nevada and Arizona has with other states dependent upon the Colorado River for drinking water!
Wait. Shit. Yes, yes I was. GFY Tips.
My definition would have been a region of underground water - more akin to an underground watershed.
I have so much to say, I wouldn't know where to begin...
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